I haven't participated in the SOLSC for a very long time. I never could understand why or how anyone would stop once they got started, and then I stopped. Without getting into the why, I want to explore the fact that I want to try again. I want to reconnect with my slicer community and read and be inspired by your words and work.
Today was a full day. All of my days as of late have been very full with my new course load for the school year. On top of my normal courses, I am once again being the Swiss Army Knife (as my admin has nicknamed me) in a new way: a math teacher. It's only one period, and the math is foundational, so I have perfect mastery of it, but I want to do well in all I do as a professional educator, so I have been rummaging around for great videos and activities and reaching out to my on campus mentor a couple times a week. Professional development just got even more crucial and complex, but I am excited for the opportunity to rise and develop my abilities.
If any of you have tried and true suggestions for mathy websites and activities for grades 3-6 maths, send them my way!