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My 50 Things by 50 Progress Report

Being held accountable when setting goals helps you in reaching them, so I am making a progress report with just 4 months out until the big FIVE-O hits in February. 

Progress on my 50 Things by 50 list: 

1. Visit a city (or even country—Scotland, I am looking at you) I have never been to before. 

    I have been to Cocoa Beach, Florida AND Boston, Massachusetts, both of which I had never visited. I really loved where we stayed in Cocoa Beach, and I hope to go back. Boston would have been super awesome if I had not gotten injured on the first day there. Alas, I was injured the whole time, so it was pretty rough. I will say I loved the Isabella Gardner Stewart and the Boston Museum of Fine Art. Amazing. So worth it. I would go back. 

2. Complete a service opportunity at least once a month if not more often. 

    So far, I have been service minded and doing very nuanced things to lift where I stand. I look for things to do now, and it has made me happy. 

3. Publish a poetry only book. 

    This has not happened even in my imagination. I am unsure if it will. Cross your fingers for me, and please send comments demanding I get it up for sale in time for Valentine's Day (or sooner!). 

4. Develop a cookbook. 

    I have been enjoying this project immensely. I have already developed an apple-peach jam recipe and fine tuned an apple butter recipe that is stellar, plus I have been working on several dinner dishes that are delicious. 

5. Spend time reconnecting with at least one friend I have not seen in a year or longer. 

    I was gifted a few opportunities to do this, but the one that stands out is with one of my old North Las Vegas friends, Julie, in a random thrift store last week. It was amazing! 

6. Try a new food. 

    I have tried more than I can count, and I love that I challenged myself to do this. 

7. Make music somehow (singing, instruments, etc.). 

    Feels weird to say this, but making music has been a hard one for me to tackle. I joined the church choir after a long absence, and I am committed to singing at least through Christmastime, so I am counting this one as done!

8. Try a new hobby. 

    My latest hobby has been upcycling and random, very small DIY projects to enhance my home and style in order to add comfort and peace to my physical surroundings. It has been a lot of fun, and I think it has made a difference in my life. 

9. Experience a new self care treatment. 

    I have been trying red light therapy, and I love it!

10. Go on a girls trip. 

    I have not done this yet. I hope to accomplish it in January. 

11. Go on a sibling(s) trip. 

    I have not done this yet either, but it is not for want of trying. I am unsure if this will be able to happen. And that thought makes me sad. 

12. Find something that is specifically spiritually uplifting to do every Sunday. 

    My default has been to do family history work after choir practice, so I need to count this. I will keep pondering new ways. 

13. Visit a lake.  

     I almost did this but had to cancel. Not sure when/if it will happen.

14. Go on at least one mom time of their choice with each child. 

    I just need to follow through with one last child, so hopefully it will happen! 

15. Write letters/emails to 50 women who have been inspirational to me. 

    I have only written three letters of fifty…I need to get writing. 

16. Find something meaningful to do for others in honor of each of my parents' birthdays. 

    I made my mom's homemade bread in honor of my mom's birthday, and I am not sure what will happen for my dad, but I have awhile to figure it out. 

17. Break the habit of worrying about things I cannot change. 

    I have been improving on this, and I am thankful. I still need to work on it more though. 

18. Give away ALL clothes that do not fit anymore. 

    Round one of the purge happened in the summer, but I need to go through things one last time before February hits. 

19. Deep clean my home. 

    June was the month that this happened. I even had help from a friend who donated the paint to get two rooms completely refreshed from top to bottom! 

20. Complete the revisions on my will. 

    Still needs to happen. 

21. Revise and renew life insurance. 

    Still needs to happen. 

22. Evaluate every expense, and cancel anything that is not truly beneficial. 

    I have cut off two subscriptions that were just taking my money, and I was able to replace one with a free option, so it feels really great. 

23. Create an exercise plan to do for a minimum of ten weeks in a row to create healthier habits. 

    If we count physical therapy after my Boston injury, I've got it down. But if we aren't counting that, I might need to start this around Thanksgiving and/or Christmas breaks.

24. Go on a picnic. 

    Still has not happened, and it needs to happen soon before winter sets in. 

25. Go to a day spa for at least a half day. 

    This fun stuff is going down in a week and a half, and I am so excited! A friend asked me about my list and wanted to help me get something checked off, so she is taking me to a place she loves and then to lunch. So fabulous! 

26. Try a new exercise class, and stick with it at least five times. 

    Again, the physical therapy has taken over my life. I want to try to do this still maybe over Christmas break? 

27. Organize a neighborhood cleanup. 

    After the injury, it has been weird and difficult to do stuff, so I am unsure if this will happen in time. If it does not, I will organize one in the spring once I feel more able. 

28. Complete or give/throw away all unfinished craft projects. 

    I am almost finished with everything I want to do, and I gave away some things I know I would not have time/ability to complete. 

29. Donate to a book drive. 

    I did this right off the bat last spring. Felt nice to donate so very many books. 

30. Watch the sun rise. 

    Almost happened in Cocoa Beach, but I chickened out due to the fog. I am so regretful about this. I want to make this happen, and with winter coming on, soon it will be easier to wake up before the sun to watch it! 

31. Try a new recipe. 

    I have tried and developed many new recipes, so this one has been really great. 

32. Donate to a humanitarian effort. 

    I have done this one too! It is hard seeing so much suffering around the world, but I hope that my small efforts make a difference. 

33. Play at least one round of golf (probably go to the driving range a couple of times first). 

    The injury this summer is truly the gift that keeps on giving (ruining my plans). I hope I might be able to go soon. If I can just go to a driving range a few times, I will count it. 

34. Visit the state capitol. 

    My family and I did this in the spring to see the cherry blossoms bursting with loveliness, and I loved seeing all the interesting historical things inside. 

35. Complete a 1000-piece puzzle.

    My youngest and I completed this last spring before he left for the summer. 

36. Attend a city council meeting. 

    I have not done this yet. I actually forgot about it with so much national election stuff to focus on researching and making decisions. Hopefully, I can make this happen. 

37. Make a better habit of taking walks around the neighborhood/walking to church. 

    With my injury, this is a fool's errand for now. Maybe things will get better soon, so I can get it going. 

38. Eat a sausage roll (going to York to do so is recommended but optional). 

    I need to do this still! 

39. Do a 30-day sugar detox. 

    And this too!!!

40. Cultivate and practice daily gratitude. 

    I have really worked hard on gratitude, and it has made a difference in my mindset and attitude. I hope I can keep going at this because it has helped me many days. 

41. Increase temple attendance, and set the bar there. 

    I was doing great, and then — wait for it — I got hurt, and it has just been difficult. But I am going at least once a month, so I am glad for that. 

42. Go dancing. 

    Oh dang. My stupid knees. 

43. Work on seeing how to truly forgive an enemy, and do it

    I have made real progress here. 

44. Read at least five books from my physical TBR pile of books that are NOT book club reading. 

    I have read: The Lighting Thief, Stars Above, One Dead Spy, Winter, The Trumpet of the Swan, Cress, and Scarlet so far. Good times! 

45. Create a classic films movie marathon lineup, and invite guests. 

    I have set up the movie marathon details in an evite, and will be sending it out the invitations in a couple of weeks. 

46. Brush up on Spanish. 

    Has not happened. Not sure if it will. 

47. Permanently break the habit of being undecided at restaurants. 

    This goal has been achieved! I am so proud of myself for this..hopefully, I do not backslide after acknowledging my progress. 

48. Create a calming and inviting office space. 

    This beautiful thing happened in June, and I absolutely love what I did. So pretty and comforting and organized. 

49. Decide on a top 50 films list. 

    This is done! I just need to refine it a bit and share it. 

50. Actually decide on what to do, then organize and celebrate my fiftieth birthday. 

    I kicked on the birthday shenanigans in August for half birthday fun, and I have made sure to celebrate in various ways once a month ever since. The day spa thing is my October plan, and the movie marathon is my November plan. I hope to do a girls or siblings trip for my December and January plans. And if the world is still turning in February, I am going to have a big potluck with volleyball and board games and music and maybe dancing. I hope this party idea can happen. It would be so lovely to see my friends and family all gathered together. Cross your fingers! 

Here is to making even more progress on these 50 things by 50. It has been really good so far.