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This Phoenix Speaks

Seven years in the making, my first published book, This Phoenix Speaks , is now a reality. The tireless and tiring work invested to ma...

Top Ten Reader's Choice 2017

If you've been around me at all, either in person or on social media, you'll have heard me mention that I anticipate healing change and growth during 2018. What I didn't realize though in all my anticipation is that this year has been one of great change and growth as I look back on it.

My children reached milestones galore. I edited two novels and one textbook, so my editing skills are getting sharp! My family home was sold, and I was able to help some family members. I found more ways to serve others.

One thing that made me step back and recognize my willpower is how I got through major heartbreak stronger than I thought I would. I truly couldn't see how I would get out of that grief actually, but I did make it out.

In all of these writing pieces, you have gone through these times with me. You have all been so supportive and kind to me. I have learned from you. Thank you for reading these selections and sharing them, and I am thankful for all of the ongoing support of my many other writings. I look forward to seeing what is in store for 2018!

I hope you enjoy this look back on 2017 with me.

Top Ten Readers' Choice:

1.  Twenty People: Part One

2. To Every Teacher

3. Fourteen Years

4. Empty

5. Be Brave

6. Christmas Music

7. Working on Sunday

8. Destitute

9. Friends

10. Three Things

Honorable Mention:

9 Things

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